Wednesday’s Christian eBooks

Fake Dating Her Best Friend’s Brother
by Tia Souders


Fake dating has one rule: Don’t let feelings get involved.

Callie Cartwright is about to lose her job. Either she cleans up her mounting debt, or her career in finance is over. NBA point guard Dean Kimball should be having the time of his life. But even his flourishing basketball career isn’t enough to help him forget his feelings for his little sister’s best friend.

So when Callie decides to enter the date-for-hire world to relieve her increasing debt, Dean suggests an alternative option. Date him for money to help his image…

Check out:
(Love on the Court Series)

Through the Fairy Tree
by Kasey Stockton


Three men, a series of Highland contests, one prize: the chief’s daughter.

As the daughter of the chief, Marion McEwan has no say in who her husband will be—a troublesome fact when the one man she doesn’t wish to marry, her awful cousin Simon, is the leading contender for her hand. So when Marion’s father hosts a gathering for the purpose of choosing her husband, she welcomes the broader selection. He invites a few select men—her cousin included—to participate in a series of contests to test their strength, fortitude, and worthiness. The victor will win her hand in marriage. Marion’s plan? Do whatever she must to steer the outcome of the games away from what seems a terrible fate.

When Cormac McEwan receives a summons from his chief, he has no choice but to report to Castle Moraigh right away. Unmarried and with little to his name, it comes as a pleasant surprise to learn that he’s been thrown in the running to marry the chief’s daughter…

Check out:
(Myths of Moraigh Trilogy)

Paper Dolls
by Kara R. Hunt


Paper can be torn and dolls can break. So can humans.

Kite Tanner, a widow, struggles with the sudden loss of her husband. Priscilla Martin, the minister’s daughter, pursues money and men with passion. Lydia Dooley, a prayer-warrior, battles a brain tumor and a daughter who can’t forget the sins of her mother’s past.

Eve Stanton, a talented Christian singer and songwriter, is brought to her knees when the truth about her marriage is revealed.

Mary Rabin, kidnapped from her front yard at the age of eight, returns forty years later to reunite with the family and friends she’d fought for decades to find her way back to. The bonds of family and friendship are tested. Will the women’s faith in God and each other stand the test of time? Or will it crumple like paper?

Within and Without Time
by D. I. Hennessey


WITHIN & WITHOUT TIME melds powerful Biblical truths with an imaginative and engaging story that envelopes the reader in an intense range of human emotions. Be prepared to laugh and cry, to be inspired, and find your heart rejoicing as Jimmy experiences the profound truths of God’s immense power and immeasurable love.

Be prepared to laugh and cry, to be inspired, and find your heart rejoicing! Experience the Origin of a Prophet …

When a sixteen-year-old boy is suddenly caught up in a series of miraculous encounters, it heralds an adventure that will transform his life, rock his town, and trigger events that will ultimately change the world!

Befriended by a powerful angelic warrior, Jimmy finds himself in the center of God’s plan for Earth’s final Great Revival. The beginning of God’s amazing harvest at the End of the Age. Like an intense roller coaster, the journey he experiences is exciting and unpredictable…

Check out:
(Within & Without Time Series)

by Kathleen Lawless



Olivia thought Robert was dead. A year-and-a-half later and newly widowed, she comes across Robert’s ad for a mail-order bride. Seeking protection for herself and her daughter, she goes after the truth, and gets far more than she bargains for.

Robert believed Olivia never wanted to see him again, and is finally ready to move on from the heartbreak. When Olivia shows up claiming to be his mail-order bride, the sight of her brings back all the pain of losing her the first time. Seeing her with another man’s child adds salt to the wound.

Can this couple move past the pain and betrayal to find new happiness?

Eat and Stay Thin
by Joyce Meyer


In this book, best-selling author Joyce Meyer shows you how to stop thinking about food and get on with the rest of your life – free from bondage and filled with joy. With the sensitivity of one who struggled for years with eating and weight problems, Joyce Meyer blends her personal experiences with biblical revelations of how to enjoy food but keep it in its proper place. She confronts and exposes misconceptions and offers fresh, practical advice to guide you step-by-step toward living with true freedom in Christ.

Life After
by Katie Ganshert


It could have been me.

Snow whirls around an elevated train platform in Chicago. A distracted woman boards the train, takes her seat, and moments later a fiery explosion rips through the frigid air, tearing the car apart in a horrific attack on the city’s transit system. One life is spared. Twenty-two are lost. A year later, Autumn Manning can’t remember the day of the bombing and she is tormented by grief – by guilt. Twelve months of the question constantly echoing. Why? Why? Why? Searching for answers, she haunts the lives of the victims, unable to rest…

by J. C. Ryle


Except you repent, you will all likewise perish. – Luke 13:5

It is indifference that leaves people alone and allows them to go their own way. It is love, tender love, that warns them and raises the cry of alarm. The cry of “Fire! Fire!” at midnight might sometimes rudely, harshly, and unpleasantly startle a person out of his sleep, but who would complain if that cry was the means of saving his life? The words Except you repent, you will all likewise perish might at first seem stern and severe, but they are words of love, and they could be the means of delivering precious souls from hell.

Forensic Faith for Kids
by Multiple Authors


Detective J. Warner Wallace helps kids develop good investigative skills, so they can navigate tough questions about faith and share what they’ve learned with others. As in their other Case Makers Academy books, J. Warner and Susie Wallace teach kids to think like detectives by reaching into their detective tool bag. While they search for clues to the real owner of a lost puppy, the cadets learn how to be confident in sharing with friends the truth of their faith in Jesus.

Songs from Scripture
by James W. Reapsome


“Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises unto our King, sing praises. For God is King of all the earth; sing ye praises with understanding,” (Psalm 47:6-7).

Throughout the Bible there are songs. Some are songs of celebration and hope while others express despair or humility and still others recount God’s redemption. “Songs lift our hearts and minds,” writes James Reapsome. “They powerfully convey truth poetically and musically. God commands us to love him totally and exclusively with the union of our emotion, intellect, and will. That’s why he included songs when he inspired the words of the Bible.”

Help! I Bought a New Horse
by Meredith Hill


Do you suffer from “Pony Fever?” Have you been waiting a long time to add a horse to your family? Have you carefully considered a match between you and your new equine buddy? Have you decided exactly where he’s going to live and how you’re going to keep him happy? Do you have moments when the idea of bringing a horse into your life is scary?

Horses are unlike any other animal companion. They’re too big to live in your house, so they have to live in specialized homes of their own. They have specific diet requirements, and they need a regular vet and farrier care to keep them healthy and happy. They’re big, dangerous, and highly opinionated. And you absolutely can’t wait to have one of your own!