Monday’s Christian eBooks

by Andy Ripley


Paul’s letter to the Philippians is rich with wisdom and direction for our time. We learn so much in its few pages about the purpose of Christian suffering. We see God’s hand pulling all the levers and strings behind the scenes, sovereignly directing all that befalls His people. And we see the glorious results as the gospel is more widely preached. Paul writes the epistle from prison in Rome, while he waits to see if he will be executed or set free. We see in the letter many of the real-life difficulties that believers face in the battles for humility, righteousness and obedience.

The great Apostle warns us of many of the pitfalls and traps which the world presents to those who would follow Jesus Christ. We see the familiar struggles that we all face as strangers in a fallen world. We see what it takes to make the right efforts to be authentic and real with God. We see the truth about what we must let go of in order to more fully grab onto Jesus Christ.

Falling for Your Fake Fiancé
by Emma St. Clair


What happens when the man I love to hate becomes the man I must pretend to love?

I can’t seem to escape Thayden Walker and his infuriating charm. Even his mother and his Great Dane seem bent on playing matchmaker. But I’m totally immune. Until I’m presented with an offer that puts my ability to withstand him to the test. If I marry Thayden, all my student debt goes poof, and he’ll take over the family firm.

There’s so much more at stake than money or a job, especially when I start to see the man beneath the mask. Playing house with Thayden is the most dangerous game of all.

Check out:
(Love Clichés Series)

Discovering a Family in the Cowboy’s Arms
by Sally M. Ross


Brand New Release from Sally M. Ross.

She must run away from a trap laid by a man she trusted. He needs to fix his broken family. Can a mail-order bride with a haunted past and a rancher swallowed by sorrow find love in each other’s arms?

“Would life ever stop being so cruel to her and those she loved?”

When Iva finds out that the death of her parents was her fiancé’s machination, she is ready to do anything to escape this ruthless man. With the help of her best friend, she secretly sneaks out and becomes a mail-order bride to find herself with a grumpy rancher and his little son…

Body from the Scottish Castle Murder
by Stephanie Parker McKean


Comedy and chaos ensue when Rik Patience – who has no patience – takes a ghost hunting trip to Scotland with her colorful friend, Hooter. Rik doesn’t believe in ghosts. Hooter probably doesn’t either—but she wants to be sure. When Rik witnesses a murder, she is stalked by the killer, who can’t take the chance that she will recognize him.

Hooter’s ghost hunting friends resent Rik and her disbelief in paranormal events. She can survive their dislike, but can she survive the constant attempts on her life? Meanwhile, Hooter – who is unaware of the animosity between Rik and her ghost hunting friends – proves that no one is too old for love when she falls for a Scottish pastor.

Saving Taylor
by Lynn Landes


Brand New Release from Lynn Landes.

Is her faith bigger than her fear?

She is a woman on the run… Taylor Allen is an eyewitness to a double murder. Raised in the church, she sang for the Lord to raise money for the community. Taylor’s voice is a magnet that draws in crowds but not even her talent can save her from a murderer. After a brutal attack she jumps on a train and runs for her life.

He’s taken hostage by a desperate young woman… John Fielding Jr. is on the way home from a business trip. How did a beautiful killer end up in his private sleeping car with a gun pointed at him?

Time is running short as they search the train to New York, seeking the woman that robbed and set fire to a saloon. They say she killed the owner and burned down several buildings in the process…

Hope in Times of Fear
by Timothy Keller


She turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. (John 20:14)

Hope in the Time of Fear is a book that unlocks the meaning of Jesus’s resurrection for readers. Easter is considered the most solemn and important holiday for Christians. It is a time of spiritual rebirth and a time of celebrating the physical rebirth of Jesus after three days in the tomb. For his devoted followers, nothing could prepare them for the moment they met the resurrected Jesus. Each failed to recognize him…

The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus
by Gary R. Habermas, Michael R. Licona


“This compelling book is the most comprehensive defense of Jesus’ resurrection anywhere. If you’re interested in knowing the evidence for the resurrection and sharing it with others, then you must read this book!”Lee Strobel,

Many evangelicals will appreciate the authors’ broad evidentiary claims and marshalling of historical, theological, archaeological, biomedical and literary data to support their belief in the resurrection. Yet despite its strong content, the book is poorly written, and is organized in a workmanlike outline format that seems more appropriate for a seminary lecture than a seamless book. A closing chapter offers practical tips for evangelical Christians who wish to share their faith with others.

Tacos for Two
by Betsy St. Amant


Rory Perez, a food truck owner who can’t cook, is struggling to keep the business she inherited from her aunt out of the red–and an upcoming contest during Modest’s annual food truck festival seems the best way to do it. The prize money could finally give her a solid financial footing and keep her cousin with special needs paid up at her beloved assisted living home. Then maybe Rory will have enough time to meet the man she’s been talking to via an anonymous online dating site.

Jude Strong is tired of being a puppet at his manipulative father’s law firm, and the food truck festival seems like the perfect opportunity to dive into his passion for cooking and finally call his life his own.

Fruit of the Spirit
by Hazel Offner


Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. To be spiritually mature is to show the fruit of the Spirit of Christ in our lives. These nine-session LifeGuide studies from Old and New Testament passages highlight each quality and inspire us to nurture the Spirit’s fruit in our lives.

For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions―making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups.

Check out:
(LifeGuide Bible Studies Series)