Thursday’s Christian eBooks

The Way of Life
by Multiple Authors


Choose you this day whom ye will serve.Joshua 24:15

This life will not last forever. The trumpet will one day sound and call you forth from your narrow bed. The graves will be opened, and you will be summoned forth to meet your God. The proud heart that rejects or mocks Christianity down here will be compelled to listen to the judgment sentence of God. The ears that will not obey the sound of the church-going bell will be compelled to obey the sound of the last trumpet.  The eyes that behold evil here will one day gaze upon the spotless throne of God.

Cole: Cupids and Cowboys
by Zina Abbott


Raised by a stepfather in Knight’s Ferry in the California foothills, once Cole reached adulthood, he found work on a local cattle ranch in the San Joaquin Valley. Now in his mid-twenties and living in a region where men still significantly outnumber women, he doesn’t give much thought to the prospect of marriage and family. Then again, he does not take into account one Lucy Barker who, at seven years of age, feels it is her mission to see her sister, Amelia, married to someone Lucy thinks is handsome and will be a good big brother for her.

Amelia Barker, whose father involves himself with local and state politics as much as his cattle ranch, worries she might not have much choice in the man she weds. After already witnessing one of her friends married off as a political pawn, she fears she might suffer the same fate…

Love Most Certain
by Penny Zeller


Can newfound love heal a broken heart?

Genevieve Amsel is recovering from a canceled engagement when her dear friend, Tillie, invites her to move to Ellis Creek for a fresh start. While she settles into life in the friendly Montana town, one thing is for certain—Genevieve will never fall in love again, no matter what marriage prospects come her way.

Becoming the new postmaster in Ellis Creek is not for the faint of heart. Attempting to do his best to replace the popular Mr. Norman who recently retired, Oliver Bessell relocates from Bozeman and attempts to win the hearts of Ellis Creek residents, especially one in particular. Can he prove to Genevieve he’s nothing like the man who broke her heart?

Check out:
(Love Letters from Ellis Creek Series)

Trusting My Billionaire Boss
by Leena D’Wynter


Sparks fly until they find out they’re enemies.

Ex-con Lacy has never been lucky in life or love, but that doesn’t stop her from hoping for a fresh start. Then sparks fly with a handsome stranger while on the annual company retreat. Could this be her chance?

Except he turns out to be her boss’ boss’ boss, the billionaire CEO. Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Especially since someone has recently stolen three million from him. And he thinks it’s her.

David can’t believe he nearly fell for a thief. Nor does he care about her excuses. The evidence is clear. Her past condemns her. She’s a liar; the end…

Check out:
(Smitten Billionaires Series)

A Reluctant Bride on the Trail
by Carol Colyer


Brand New Release from Carol Colyer

Margaret Baker has lost everything—her beloved grandmother, her home, and her sense of security. With no choice but to marry a stranger out west, Margaret is forced to venture into the unknown, with her little sister. Guarded and fiercely independent, Margaret isn’t used to relying on anyone, least of all Elijah White, the man her uncle hired to escort them. But as they traverse the rugged landscape, Margaret’s walls begin to crack, and she wonders if Elijah could be more than just their protector.

Can she risk her heart when so much is already at stake?

Check out:
(Hearts Across the Frontier)

Sealed With a Kiss
by Lorana Hoopes


He’s loved her for years. She’s never seen it. Will they ever get their chance?

Max has loved Layla since the moment he met her, but the time has never been right to tell her. When she breaks off her engagement, will he finally get the courage to tell her how he feels or will he lose his chance forever?

Layla has been using relationships to determine her worth, but when her latest one falls apart, she decides to give up on men all together. When she realizes Max has feelings for her, will she stand by her conviction or will she give love one more try?

Fans of Karen Kingsbury, Susan May Warren, and Colleen Coble will love this heart-warming prequel to the Star Lake series by best selling author Lorana Hoopes. Grab your copy today!

Check out:
(Star Lake Series)

Captive of Fear
by Stephanie Parker McKean


Lindsey Hunter, who experienced incidents of extreme terror during childhood, resolves to no longer be held captive by fear. Yet when she arrives in Scotland with her husband of one week, that resolution seems impossible to attain.

Marc’s house is more of a castle, haunted by memories of his first wife; the family dog is a rambunctious Great Dane that terrifies Lindsey; and the housekeeper is dour and disapproving. Marc’s business partner, Neville, resents her. Marc’s brother, Jules, seems to be a vague man who scrambles to keep up with his wife Casi’s strange flights of fancy. Lindsay’s only friend and ally in this forbidding land is Amy, Casi’s best friend…

Will Lindsay finally cast off the shackles of fear that hold her captive and be able to really live?

Jesus Unleashed
by John F. MacArthur


“What you think of Jesus Christ will thoroughly color how you think about everything else,” writes John MacArthur. This is a critical truth in the life of every believer. Your view of Jesus affects the way you view God, the world, and every one of your decisions.

So often Jesus is portrayed as a pacifist, a philanthropist, or a docile teacher. He strikes a plastic—and sometimes pathetic—pose in the minds of many. Some prefer the meek and mild Jesus who heals the sick, calms fears, and speaks of peace and goodwill. These things do represent a portion of the Messiah. But tragically, too many have never been exposed to the rest of him. They have never seen a full 360-degree view of the Savior. His boldness in the face of confrontation and why that matters. Until now.

Altar Ego
by Craig Groeschel


Discover your true identity in Christ.

Many of us live for the approval of others. We let the world decide who we are, or we look to those around us to discover who we think we’d like to be. The problem is that living for what people think of you is the quickest way to forget what God thinks of you.

In Altar Ego, pastor and author of Winning the War in Your Mind Craig Groeschel will show you how to sacrifice your broken ideas of approval-based identity on the altar of God’s truth and become who you were meant to be in Christ.

Because I Love You
by Max Lucado


A long time ago a wise man named Shaddai built a wonderful village for children to live in. He talked to them and sang for them and told them stories. He gave them everything they needed. And with his own hands Shaddai built a protective wall around their village, rock by rock.

He did all of this for just one reason—because he loved them…

Mastering the Art of Southern Cooking
by Multiple Authors


This definitive guide to Southern cooking methods and techniques by the creators of the PBS show New Southern Cooking features more than 600 recipes.

In Mastering the Art of Southern Cooking, Nathalie Dupree and Cynthia Graubart present the most comprehensive book on Southern cuisine in nearly a century. Based on years of research, Dupree and Graubart embrace the great Southern cookbooks and recipes of the past, enhancing them with the foods and conveniences of today.

Holistic Fitness Training
by Yigal Pinchas PH.D


Looking to lose weight, gain muscle, or become more active—but can’t seem to shake off those bad habits? Discover the holistic training program that will help you find your motivation, build confidence, and enhance your physical and mental strength.

While most fitness methods focus only on the physical side of training, it’s easy to forget that health and well-being are more than how much weight you can lift or how many times you can get to the gym in a week.