Tuesday’s Christian eBooks

A Good Start
by Charles H. Spurgeon


It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the start we make in the journey of life since it necessarily affects and largely determines all that follows. No life can be truly successful unless lived along the lines of Christian principles. The first step must be surrendering the heart to Christ, and all of life’s journey must be lived in conscious fellowship with Him. In this way, we form true perceptions of life and duty, and are enabled to give practical embodiment to God’s idea concerning us. It is during this character-forming time of life that wise counsel, faithful warning, and sympathetic admonition are especially valuable.

Rescued by Love’s Medicine
by Grace Clemens


Alma, a driven young woman yearning to fulfill her dream of becoming a doctor, is trapped in the confines of an arranged marriage. Haunted by childhood memories of her parents teasing her with the idea of marrying her best friend’s brother, Darryl, Alma comes up with a daring plan. She strikes a deal with Darryl to feign a romantic relationship, hoping to convince her father to abandon his marriage arrangements and allow her to pursue her career unhindered.

Will this man prove to become a friend rather than a foe?

Darryl, the enigmatic and charismatic rebel, has always shared a complicated history with Alma. Their once harmonious friendship was shattered by years of embarrassment and conflict caused by their parents’ teasing…

Love, London Collection
by Autumn Macarthur


Travel to London, Edinburgh, Paris, and Cambridge with these eight sweet, clean, and heartwarming stories with real emotion and real faith! Each story is connected to a grand old central London department store, and each is a complete, inspirational, Christian romance with an uplifting, feel-good, happily-ever-after. I hope they give you hours of reading joy!

Book 1: The Wedding List; Book 2: Believe in Me
Book 3: Least Expected; Book 4: A Model Bride
Book 5: Forget Paris; Book 6: Invitation to the Ball
Book 7: Teapots & Tiaras; Book 8: Nothing More

If you love Hallmark movies but want real-life issues and for God to play a role in the story, chances are you’ll love these previously published stories from a USA Today bestselling author of heartwarming Christian romance!

Saving Taylor
by Lynn Landes


Taylor Allen, a woman with a haunting past, finds herself on the run as an eyewitness to a double murder. Her voice, a gift from above, once uplifted the community, but now it may not be enough to save her from a relentless killer.

John Fielding Jr. is traveling home from a business trip on a fateful night, only to become the hostage of a desperate and beautiful young woman. John becomes her steadfast ally, determined to prove her innocence, and protect her from the clutches of a relentless pursuer. Together, they search for the elusive evidence that will clear Taylor’s name and ignite a powerful connection between them…

Every step they take is guided by a loving hand, and if they trust in their faith, they will learn that the Lord always has a plan.

Check out:
(The Women’s Work Exchange Series)

Castle on the Rise
by Kristy Cambron


When Laine Forrester travels overseas to attend her best friend’s vineyard wedding, she expects to find the bride on the brink of a fairy-tale life. But after a series of unforeseen setbacks, it seems the storybook lives they’d imagined are suddenly ripping apart.

With hopes of resurrecting a happy ending, Laine agrees to accompany the newlyweds to the groom’s home in Ireland—never expecting she’d be the one drawn in by its wide-open moors, backroads bordering the Irish Sea, and a mysterious castle that dares to keep its secrets hidden…

Hopefully Ever After
by Beth Wiseman


To become who they’re meant to be, Eden and Samuel must find the courage to defy expectations.

Sixteen-year-old Eden Hale doesn’t want to be defined by her current circumstances. With absent parents and a troubled past, Eden refuses to become what people expect. When she is sent to live with an Amish cousin she’s never met in Montgomery, Indiana, she welcomes the chance to become the person she wants to be without the burden of anyone’s judgment. Her hopes are confirmed when she meets Samuel, a young Amish man who seems to like her for who she really is…

Pray First
by Chris Hodges


Prayer is the lifeblood of the Christian faith–but many followers of Jesus still struggle to make prayer part of their daily lives. In Pray First, bestselling author and pastor Chris Hodges shows us how to make prayer a first response instead of a last resort.

Why is it that so many Christians find it difficult to develop a vibrant and exciting prayer life? Even though prayer is foundational to the Christian life, many are intimidated or uncertain about how to talk to God. Prayer feels quaint and old-fashioned to some, sacred and uncomfortable to others. It’s not a lack of inspiration–there’s plenty of that. And it’s not that we don’t realize prayer is important–we know it is. So, what’s the issue?

Single, Dating, Engaged, Married
by Ben Stuart


God has given us a specific, compelling reason for each of the four seasons of relationships: singleness, dating, engagement, and marriage. This book unlocks each season’s God-given purpose and shows you how to thrive within it.

In a society where everyone is supposedly more connected, why do people feel so lonely? Even as marriage rates decline, recent studies find the overwhelming majority of single adults still hope to get married. But how can we navigate life and love in this disconnected culture? Has social media eroded the institutions that brought us together—and the deeper emotional intimacy they provided?

Winning the War on Worry
by Louie Giglio